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Nicole Ottens, DO Nicole Ottens, DO
Emergency Medicine
SBL Emergency Department

You get the medicine you need to keep yourself professionally
challenged and on top of your game. I feel a sense of family
among my co-workers. We trust each other. My husband
and I were looking for a quiet, safe place to put down roots
and raise our family and we found that here. 

Abdur Shakir, MD Abdur Shakir, MD
SBL Regional Cancer Center

As soon as I got here, I realized I had the freedom to
practice medicine the way I wanted to and in the best
interest of my patients. As an employed physician, billing,
staffing and insurance issues are taken care of, so I can 
focus on taking care of patients. When I drive home for the day I
reflect back on how thankful I am for my staff, colleges and patients. 

Jeremy Stevens, MD Jeremy Stevens, MD
Orthopedic Surgery
SBL Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

I'm from this area, so my wife and I wanted to raise our family here.
The schools, both public and private are excellent. SBL is a regional
health system. We have patients coming from 50+ miles away for
our services and that makes you feel good, knowing that people value
you and see SBL as a place to come to.